Directed by Mari Nuñez

Stage Management by Sarah Gray

Set Design by Mari Nuñez

Costume Design by Mari Nuñez and Sarah Gray

Lighting Design by Lilly Macie and Ellie Gray

Properties Design by The Cast and Crew

The Cast

Pinocchio - Parker Falke

Hickory Cricket - Sadie Falke

Lorenzo - Jacob Gray

Alberto - Harper Sherman*

Macaroni - Elizabeth Sumnar*

Pepperoni - Annabelle Gray

*indicates Sauk debut

The Crew

Set Construction - Ron Boyle, Ron Ciaravino, Diane Langan

Set Painting - Jeff Gray

Lighting Crew - Jason Macie

Light Board Operator - Ellie Gray

Sound Board Operator - Trinity Bird

Show Photography - Lisa Cook, Joyous Journey Photography

Special Thanks to...

The Honeywell Family, Joella Hendrickon,

Hillsdale First Baptist Church


By Kathryn Schultz Miller

All tickets - $6

Tickets available by clicking here or by calling 517-849-9100. 

This production is approximately 40-minutes in length. It has no intermission. 

"PINOCCHIO" is produced with permission from ArtReach Children's Theatre Plays.


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